International Contemporary Art Fair, London

with Colin Jellicoe Gallery (Manchester)

17 - 20th  January 1985

5 Diptychs exhibited

1985 International Contemporary Art Fair catalague cover
1985 International Contemporary Art Fair catalague cover
Diptych paintings 'Sultry Dame'  and 'Just who do you think you are talking to, scumbag?' by Paul Critchley. Exhibited by Colin Jellicoe at the 1985 London International Contemporary Art Fair

Diptych paintings 'Sultry Dame'  and 'Just who do you think you are talking to, scumbag?'  20 x 40 cm

Diptych painting by Paul Critchley. Exhibited by Colin Jellicoe at the 1985 London International Contemporary Art Fair

Diptych paintings, 20 x 40 cm

Diptych painting by Paul Critchley. Exhibited by Colin Jellicoe at the 1985 London International Contemporary Art Fair

Diptych paintings ‘Hi Babe!’  and ‘Love me if you dare'  20 x 40 cm

Diptych painting by Paul Critchley. Exhibited by Colin Jellicoe at the 1985 London International Contemporary Art Fair

Diptych paintings, 20 x 40 cm

Diptych painting by Paul Critchley. Exhibited by Colin Jellicoe at the 1985 London International Contemporary Art Fair

Diptych paintings 'Stroke Me Wild'  and  ‘Sharp Bitch’  20 x 40 cm

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